Saturday, February 9, 2013

Givin it 100%

Ah, what a negligent blogger I've been!   This week was a good one for me.  Last weekend I had a discussion with one of my sons when he came home with a C in Art...I mean come on - who gets a C in ART??   When I asked him how it happened, he just stated he hated Art and thought it was "stupid" so he didn't do the work that was required of him.  As I was explaining to him that there was always going to be "stuff" in life that he didn't like, but he needed to suck it up and put 100% effort - it occurred to me that should be following the same advice.

I've made it no secret working out isn't really "my thing". Actually any enthusiastic post you may have seen me write aobut exercise has been filled with bravado and me trying to psych myself up! LOL I don't like to sweat, I don't like pain and I don't like breathing heavy...I'm hoping that some day the old addage "fake it til you make it" will come true....the infamaous runners high....the no pain no gain...and all those other cliche's will suddenly mean something to me.  Bur right now, I still don't like it.  I was not giving it 100% effort by any means - so how could I expect my kid to - when I wasn't modeling good behavior.

So this week I did what I was supposed to do.  I ate on plan 100% of the time, I did my workouts with more effort than I did in the past (I still have a long way to go!) and it daughter came to me asking if she could eat my meals since they were healthier than the choices she was making.  My son went to the gym with me and the pride they both had for me when I dropped 3 minutes on my mile (YAY ME!) made me feel fantastic!  It showed on the scale as well.  I lost 6 pounds - for a total of 16 pounds in 5 weeks and 37 pounds since September.  Yes I still have a long way to go, yes I'm still losing the same weight over and over again, but this is the LAST time I lose these pounds...(please God). 

So I'm going to keep plugging along one day at a time.  It so isn't going to be easy.  But nothing worth anything has ever been easy!!  I couldn't do it without my chixx!!  Nor would I want to.  Bring it on...I'm ready!