Hi, My name is Sue and I'm addicted to starting over..............
This is my 150 millionth time beginning a journey to weight loss and fitness!
So yeah, that kind of says it all. If I could add up all of the times I've stopped and started I'd think I'd be in negative numbers weight wise! LOL This is crazy! I don't know why it's so hard for me. I'll be examining that in these next few weeks as I begin again a new journey - this time with a program called FUEL! You can find it here - Fit Chixx.
So why is this going to be different? It may not be! I'm sure it will be for the first few weeks, but no one will be more surprised than I will be if I stick with it for the entire 13 weeks. Kind of a defeatist attitude I know, but I'm not feeling much more positive about it at the moment. I'm going to try though - I'm going to give it my all...again....and I'm going to do my very best to make today the last first day of my fitness journey.
I've got the tools, I've got my goal in place (a perfectly acceptable one I may add) and I've got a great group of women to do this with. I do wish they weren't so far away as my accountability isn't good from far away, but it's what I have and I'm going to use it, lean on it and learn everything I can.
Here's my goal for the end of these 13 weeks....
Doesn't look like much does it? It is for me. As soon as I saw these stairs I wanted to cry. I KNEW I wouldn't be able to get up those stairs without being COMPLETELY out of breath and it was going to be SLOW going. Not to mention I had my kids with me and I didn't want them to see me like that....so I took the elevator. I WON'T take the elevator in 13 weeks. I WILL OWN these stairs!
I've also gotten my vision board in place. It was recommended that we make a vision board for 2013. Now admittedly there is SO much more I could have put on there, but I wanted this to be about fitness so here is mine...
It's not the prettiest board but it's hanging next to my desk where I can look at it as I drink my many gallons of water a day! :D
Ok, that's it. 13 weeks starts on January 6th. I'm going to be a bit behind on the food thing until I can purchase everything I need but I'm going to stick with this for the 13 weeks. Did you hear me? I'M GOING TO STICK WITH THIS FOR THE 13 WEEKS.
I'm with you the whole 13 weeks!!! :)