One of the Chixx mentioned that she was nervous about starting and the fear of the lack of motivation. While I wholeheartedly agree with this I thought I'd examine that fear and hopefully work though it.
So first I decided to look up the word fear - Something that causes feeling of dread or apprehension. Certainly dread isn't the right word for this. If anything I'm EXCITED about starting this. Apprehension? Maybe.... The definition of that word is - Uneasy or fearful about something that MIGHT happen... OK, so what MIGHT happen? I MIGHT FAIL!!! So I looked up THAT word - To fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired...
To fall short of success .....Who's measuring your success? You? Your friends? Strangers?? If it's not YOU, you need to make it you! I'm going to assume that you've made goals. Long term goals and Short term goals. Length of time for this measurement is totally up to YOU (there's that word again). You've met my long term goals - THE STAIRS and THE RACE. What I haven't shared are my short term goals - the steps I will need to take in order to meet these long term goals. I'm not going to bore you with them here - that'll be for another post (translation - I haven't fully made them yet!!!) But as I was thinking about this, I had a bit of a relevation - I can make my short term goals as short as I want to!!! Brilliant right?! Go ahead, be in awe! I'll wait a few minutes for you to get that settled in your own mind.
So listen to this - My heart wants to say this "I'm going to work out 7 days a week for 2 hours a day". Luckily my head has learned to override this nonesense. Because surely if I set that as a short term goal I'd FAIL. So I'd better not set that. How about I say TODAY I am going to work out for 2 hours....better but I'm pretty sure I'd FAIL in that too. I'm going to say TODAY I'm going to WORK out! Yeah...I'm tired today and I think I'd rather sit on the couch and watch TV....YEP, FAIL. So guess what? (and here comes the brilliance!!!) My goal is to GET UP FROM THE COUCH AND DO 30 SECONDS OF JUMP ROPE! YES....that goal I can accomplish!!! so NOT A FAIL!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need to start taking control! I CAN change my mind, I CAN switch up my goals and I CAN decide what the definition of success is for ME.
Now lets be realistic shall we? Obviously 30 seconds of jump rope a day isn't going to get me where I need to go. But it just might get me off the couch! And once I'm off the couch who knows what I can accomplish?! There's no need for fear anymore!
Yeah...I Got This!
I love this post!!!!!! You set that bar for YOURSELF, beautiful mama!!! :) I'm dancing a jig for you right now!!