Saturday, January 12, 2013

One Week In

Top five things I learned this week...
  1. Your quads end at the tops of your knees....know how I know? They are screaming at me after doing SIX HUNDRED SQUATS THIS WEEK.............yes people you heard me right - 600!!
  2. Girly pushups totally I did SIXTY-ONE this week!!
  3. It's possible to cook breakfast every morning and not just grab a pop-tart to eat.
  4. A gallon of water is difficult but not impossible to drink on a daily basis.
  5. Exercise actually CAN be fun when your kids do it with you. 
 Believe me, there is SO much more that I learned, but you'd probably be bored if I kept going so I'll spare you.  I'm still in the excited stage.  I lost 7.4 pounds this week and while I'd like to say I'll never see them again, I've learned NOT to say that.  I wish I had the confidence to say it, I do...but history has proven that to not be true.  I'm taking this one day at a time - with an amazing group of women.  We're all different but we all have the same goal.  To get fit, to stay fit and to be the absolute best we can be!  I'm not giving up...not this time...I've got too many people invested in this with me.  I wasn't perfect this week, I struggled and stumbled and I know I will continue to do so.  I'm not looking for perfection - I'm looking for REAL.  And this is REAL.  My body likes the food I'm giving it.  My body loves the new muscles that are being worked (and by the way, I TOTALLY learned why people say "Feel the BURN"  O........M.........G..........). 

So yeah - one week in and I'm still excited and I'm proud of myself! Dare I say I even LOVE myself this week? I think so!

1 comment:

  1. FEEEEEEEEEEEEL that BURN, BABY!!!!!! :) :) :) WOOT WOOT!!!!!! ROCK ON!!!!
