Thursday, January 3, 2013


Ok well technically not yet, but I want to be so that should count for something right?

RUNNING....I've made up a poem - well not a poem but - what's the name of that thing when you use the letters of the word to make a...poem I guess.  So yeah - I made up a poem! Here you go...

R - Really? Am I CRAZY??
U - Until now I thought not.
N - Never would I have thought I would consider it.
N - Nothing can stop me but me.
I - I can already sense the fear.
N - NOW is the time!
G - Good Lord help me!

Ok so it's not a good poem, but yes, it's true...I'm going to start RUNNING!! I know - again.  But seriously I am.  Stop laughing, I'm serious! Sigh I know, I know, I've said it before.  I have ran in the past you know! Oh wait - let me amend that statement.  I have "ran" in the past.  Ah, I remember the days - running around the baseball fields! I think it made it 2 weeks before I died! I'm still not sure I'm completely alive yet.

So why am I running? I don't know actually!!  I've always wanted to like running. Always wanted to BE a runner.  What's stopping me you ask?  Well, I hate running!!! But, I hate exercising so I figured that if I hated running and I hated exercise then 2 double negatives should equal a positive right?! I'm going to RUN.

April 7th there is a race here locally.  A 5K race that I'm going to force ask my kids if they want to do with me.  My daughter will do it for sure, my son - probably not, but I'm going to ask.  There will be a BIG prize for me if I do it...I don't know what it is yet but it's going to be BIG!

Seriously this is HUGE!

I JUST did the math - well counted on the calendar -

Fuel starts on January 6th
13 weeks later and
Fuel ends on April 7th

My race is April 7th

Can this be anymore a sign from God that I'm supposed to do this??!!  That I WILL do this?!?  I'm so flipping excited!!

OK friends - to recap....
April 6th THE STAIRS
April 7th THE RACE

April 8th - MY DEATH just kidding!!!